
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Voodoo Doll

By commenting on this POST, you have stuck a 'Pin' in this VooDoo Doll.
Come on, stick a pin in this moron government bureaucrat Timothy Geithner, and watch him suffer for putting America into this idiot bailout, big government spending, and endless debt that generations of American Tax Payers will endure.
It was Timothy Geithner that pushed for the AIG bailout and authorised the bonuses for these crooked ass wipe AIG employees, executives,, and board members to get the money.
This lifeless leech on humanity should be fired and put in prison for his part in a scam to use American tax dollars to pay these crooks.
May ever pin (post) here strike him till he falls to the death!


Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd D-Connecticut Voodoo Doll

By commenting on this POST, you have stuck a 'Pin' in this VooDoo Doll.
Come on, stick a pin in this scum bag Liberal Democrat Chris Dodd, and watch him suffer the agonizing pain he so justly deserves for putting America into this AIG bailout and stupid bonuses that the American Taxpayer is now paying for.
It was Chris Dodd's legislation that allowed the AIG bailout and his amendment that created the bonuses for these crooked asshole AIG employees, executives,, and board members to get the money.
This boil on humanity should be impeached and put in prison for his part in a scam to use American tax dollars to pay these crooks.
May ever pin (post) here strike him till he falls to the just death he deserves!


Jim Cramer Voodoo Doll

Yes another annoying Cable Network moron with a big mouth.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in Jim Cramer.
This know it all loser has cost investors millions of dollars in bad advice, but yet CNBC keeps him, don't figure!
May each pin you stick in him cause irreparable harm to his net worth. Lets see how he likes it.