
Glenn Beck Voodoo Doll

Yes another annoying Cable Network moron with a big mouth.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in Glenn Beck.
His throat will be endlessly dry and he will require large sums of water plus he will put on weight, this will continue until he gets a real job helping America, like flipping hamburgers at Burger King.


Nancy Grace Voodoo Doll

Meet a Right Wing Nut Case Cry Baby with a big mouth.
This is one of the dumbest shits on network cable in America.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in Nancy Grace.
Watch her shrivel and die.


U.S. Congressman Barney Frank Voodoo Doll

By commenting on this POST, you have stuck a 'Pin' in this VooDoo Doll.
Stick a pin in Liberal Democrat Barney Frank, and watch him suffer the agonizing pain he justly deserves for putting America into the housing crisis. It was Barney Frank's legislation that was instrumental in causing the so-called housing bubble for telling mortgage companies and banks to lend money to poor people.
May ever pin (post) here strike him till he falls to the just death he deserves!


Jesse Jackson Voodoo Doll

One of the worst of the racist Looney Left Extremist.
An ass clown Liberal from the get go.
A prime reason America is failing today!
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in Jesse Jackson.
He will wither and suffer for constantly playing his so-called 'Racist' card.


Whoopi Goldberg Voodoo Doll

Another Nut Job from the Ultra Looney Toon Left.
This is one of the biggest nitwit network cable talk show Liberal morons in America.
She thinks nothing is right about America, Obama is our savior, and that big government is best for America.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in this radical leftist known as Whoopi Goldberg.
Watch her hair turn gray, and her body age as each voodoo pin sticks her with each of your post.


Reverend Al Sharpton Voodoo Doll

The worst of the racist Looney Left.
This useless ass clown Liberal is the epitome of everything wrong with America.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in this scumbag known as Reverend Al Sharpton.
Watch him cringe in pain.


US Senator, Arlen Specter Voodoo Doll

By commenting on this POST, you have stuck a 'Pin' in this VooDoo Doll.
Stick a pin in Republican Arlen Specter, and watch him suffer an agonizing pain for his Big Pork Barrel Spending Ways, and putting America deep into debt with this Obama Stimulus Package.
It will also make his health deteriorate as he justly deserves.


Rosie O'Donnell Voodoo Doll

More from the Looney Left.
Meet one of the biggest fat ass network cable talk show Liberal idiots in America.
This turd-4-brains thinks nothing is right about America and that terrorist have rights and are simply misunderstood.
By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo PIN in this ugly assclown known as Rosie O'Donnell.
Watch her age, shrivel, and die.


North Korea's Kim Jong Il Voodoo Doll

By simply posting here, you will be sticking a VooDoo Pin in this doll and punish this dangerous fanatic leader of North Korea who, yes has the bomb!
Only Voodoo Pins to the head work on this insane asshole and boil on the world.
Sticking a pin (posting a comment) will result in Kim Jong Il health to totally deteriorate and he will die a horrible screaming death.


Michelle Obama Voodoo Doll

By simply posting here, you will be sticking a VooDoo Pin in this doll and punish this anti-American racist female Liberal mouth piece.
Then watch as Michelle Obama's face begins to age, shrivel and dry up.


Donald Rumsfeld Voodoo Doll

Again thanks for all the email suggestions for Voodoo Dolls. I will try and get to everyone of them. To see if your VooDoo Doll has been added simply look at the Blog Archive to the right side of this blog.

By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo Pin in this doll and punish this arrogant political appointee and Iraq War screw-up.
Then watch him lose his hair.
Donald Rumsfeld was clearly the biggest embarrassment of the Bush Administration and one of the worst Secretary of Defense in the nations history.


Hillary Clinton Voodoo Doll

By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo Pin in this doll and punish this Left Wing Liberal wannabee politician.
Then watch her hair turn gray, and she will have numerous voice problems including faux pas with world leaders embarrassing herself and the Obama Administration.


Bill O'Reilly Fox News Voodoo Doll

By simply posting here, you will stick a VooDoo Pin in this doll and punish this loud mouth idiot right wing money hugging ne're-do-well.
This guy is a real irritant.
O'Reilly will ask a question of his guest, and if he doesn't get the answer he wants, cuts the person off and changes the subject.
Stick a pin him and watch Fox News Ratings drop, and drop, and drop!


U.S. Senator Harry Reid Voodoo Doll

By commenting on this POST, you have stuck a 'Pin' in this VooDoo Doll.
Stick a pin in Democrat Harry Reid and watch him suffer in agonizing pain for his Liberal spending ways, and putting America deep into debt.
It will also make him cringe and suffer as he justly deserves.